If pets are like your kids try pet-friendly hotels
When these committed pet-owners travel, you will often see them strolling through the lobby of pet-friendly hotels with their dogs or cats. However, not all hotels claiming to be “pet-friendly” will fulfil your and your pet’s expectations. There are a few crucial elements to look for when determining whether a hotel’s pet friendly hotel singapore policy is truly friendly and welcoming:
- Reasonable Pet Fees: The hotel or motel does not charge pet-owning visitors an exorbitant one-time housekeeping fee, which can be as high as well.
- Affordably Priced Daily Pet Fees: A truly pet-friendly hotel does not charge an exorbitant daily pet fee, which can be more per day and is sometimes added to the housekeeping fee.
- Minimal Restrictions: A really pet-friendly hotel does not impose any restrictions on your pet or you. You will frequently come across a guideline stating that you cannot leave your pet alone in your room and must hire and pay for the hotel’s pet-sitter.
- Cat-friendly: True pet-friendly hotels don’t turn a blind eye to cats and only allow dogs. In actuality, individuals travel with a variety of pets, including house rabbits, turtles, guinea pigs, and others, and the creatures accompany them to their accommodation when they stop for the night.
Some of the top pet friendly hotel Singapore establishments have their own pets on site, and these pets frequently play a role in providing a warm welcome to pet owners, beginning with the animal’s picture and welcome remark on the hotel website.